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Tinox Titanium Dioxide Rutile A-2380

Untreated sulphate process anatase grade


  • Paper

    All kinds of papers

  • Road marking paints

    Good whiteness to use in road marking paints.

  • Coating

    Especially for interior architectural coatings

  • Rubber

    White rubbers

  • Ceramics

    Use in all kinds of ceramics

  • Fillers and adhesives

    Use in all kinds of ceramics


  • Excellent brightness, whiteness

  • Good dispersibility in waterborne and solvent borne systems

  • High gloss retention

Product characteristics


TINOX A-2380 is a pure, dry-milled anatase universal pigment from the sulphate process. This type of pigment is used

in a wide range of applications for instance paints, paper and ceramics, especially where the high whiteness of

anatase is desired. TINOX A-2380 provides an excellent brightness and whiteness, strong dispersibility and a neutral



o Road marking paints
o Interior architectural coatings
o Paper
o Rubber
o Ceramic
o Fillers and adhesives


o Excellent brightness, whiteness
o Good dispersibility in waterborne and solvent borne systems
o High gloss retention

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